Tuesday, December 31, 2019
These are all the things Millennials would give up for travel
These are all the things Millennials would give up for travelThese are all the things Millennials would give up for travelWe know Millennials love to travel. They love it as much as making up acronyms for sitting around and not going to the pop up that all their friends are going to FOMOOPO? But exactly how much do they love it or rather what would they be willing to sacrifice in order to travel for free?Contiki,a social travel company for those in the 18 to 35 age demographic, decided to look into the matter and found that they are willing to give up quite a lot to feed their wanderlust needs.Contiki asked 1,500 Millennials what they would give up for travel and these were the resultsNetflix (80%)Coffee (77%)Alcohol (73%)Carbs (60%)Sex (57%)Cell phone (41%)Now giving up access to Netflix for a great trip seems pretty reasonable but coffee, alcohol, and sex? Those kids really want to see the world The cell phone statistic is also pretty impressive considering that 49% admitted to us ing their phone 8 to 10 hours per day.But the deep love of travel is very clear as the survey found that 83% of Millennials travel one to three times per year. Another recent surveycommissioned byHilton Hotels Resorts found that travel and discovering new things is many Millennials favorite past time.In fact, 75%of young professionals in the U.S. see business travel as a major work perk and 65% consider it to be a status symbol. Nearly 40%of Millennials go so far as to say theywouldnt take a jobthat didnt allow them to travel for business and 56%create reasons to travelfor business. So clearly sacrificing watching Stranger Things is not a big deal for this group.
Thursday, December 26, 2019
10 things genuinely confident people do differently
10 things genuinely confident people do differently10 things genuinely confident people do differentlyTrue confidence - as opposed to the false confidence people project to mask their insecurities - has a look all its own. One thing is certain truly confident people always have the upper hand over the doubtful and the skittish because they inspire others and they make things happen.Whether you think you can, or you think you cant - youre right. - Henry FordFords notion that your mentality has a powerful effect on your ability to succeed is seen in the results of a recent study at the University of Melbourne that showed that confident people earn higher wages and get promoted more quickly than anyone else.Indeed, confident people have a profound impact on everyone they encounter. Yet, they achieve this only because they exert so much influence inside, on themselves.We see only their outside. We see them innovate, speak their mind, and propel themselves forward toward bigger and be tter things.And, yet, were missing the best part.We dont see the habits they develop to become so confident. Its a labor of love that they pursue behind the scenes, every single day.And while what people are influenced by changes with the season, the unique habits of truly confident people remain constant. Their focused pursuit is driven by these habits that you can emulate and absorbThey speak with certaintyIts rare to hear the truly confident utter phrases such as Um, Im not sure, and I think. Confident people speak assertively because they know that its difficult to get people to listen to you if you cant deliver your ideas with conviction.They seek out small victoriesConfident people like to challenge themselves and compete, even when their efforts yield small victories. Small victories build new androgen receptors in the areas of the brain responsible for reward and motivation. The increase in androgen receptors increases the influence of testosterone, which further increases t heir confidence and eagerness to tackle future challenges. When you have a series of small victories, the boost in your confidence can last for months.They exerciseA study conducted at the Eastern Ontario Research Institute found that people who exercised twice a week for 10 weeks felt more competent socially, academically, and athletically. They also rated their body image and self-esteem higher. Best of all, rather than the physical changes in their bodies being responsible for the uptick in confidence, it was the immediate, endorphin-fueled positivity from exercise that made all the difference.They dont seek attentionPeople are turned off by those who are desperate for attention. Confident people know that being yourself is much more effective than trying to prove that youre important. People catch on to your attitude quickly and are more attracted to the right attitude than what, or how many, people you know. Confident people always seem to bring the right attitude.Confident peo ple are masters of attention diffusion. When theyre receiving attention for an accomplishment, they quickly shift the focus to all the people who worked hard to help get them there. They dont crave approval or praise because they draw their self-worth from within.They dont reisepass judgmentConfident people dont pass judgment on others because they know that everyone has something to offer, and they dont need to take other people down a notch in order to feel good about themselves. Comparing yourself to other people is limiting. Confident people dont waste time sizing people up and worrying about whether or not they measure up to everyone they meet.They get their happiness from within.Happiness is a critical element of confidence, because, in order to be confident inwhat you do, you have to be happy withwho you are. People who brim with confidence derive their sense of pleasure and satisfaction from their own accomplishments, as opposed towhat other people thinkof their accomplishme nts.They listen more than they speakPeople with confidence listen more than they speak because they dont feel as though they have anything to prove. Confident people know that by actively listening and paying attention to others, they are much more likely to learn and grow. Instead of seeing interactions as opportunities to prove themselves to others, they focus on the interaction itself, because they know that this is a far more enjoyable and productive approach to people.They take risksWhen confident people see an opportunity, they take it. Instead of worrying about what could go wrong, they ask themselves, Whats stopping me? Why cant I do that? and they go for it. Fear doesnt hold them back because they know that if they never try, they will never succeed.They arent afraid to be wrongConfident people arent afraid to be proven wrong. They like putting their opinions out there to see if they hold up because they learn a lot from the times they are wrong and other people learn from them when theyre right. Self-assured people know what they are capable of and dont treat being wrong as a personal slight.They celebrate other peoples successesInsecure people constantly doubt their relevance, and because of this, they try to steal the spotlight and criticize others in order to prove their worth. Confident people, on the other hand, arent worried about their relevance because they draw their self-worth from within. Instead of insecurely focusing inward, confident people focus outward, which allows them to see all the wonderful things that other people bring to the table. Praising people for their contributions is a natural result of this.Bringing it all togetherBuilding confidence is a journey, not a destination. To become more confident you must be passionate in your pursuit of a greater future.Travis Bradberry is the co-author ofEmotional Intelligence 2.0and the co-founder ofTalentSmart.This column first appeared on LinkedIn.
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Military Enlisted Promotions Facts
Military Enlisted Promotions FactsMilitary Enlisted Promotions FactsEach branch of the U.S. armed forces has its own promotion system for its enlisted members. There are nine enlisted pay grades in the military, from E-1 to E-9. The rank or rating varies by branch of service, but the pay grade level is the saatkorn. So a private first class in the Army is the Marine studentencorps equivalent of a lance corporal, both E-3. For the Army, Marines, and Air Force, promotions up to the grade of E-4 are pretty much automatic (assuming one doesnt get into trouble), based upon time-in-service and/or time-in-grade.The same is true for the Navy and Coast Guard up to the grade of E-3. The Army revamped its promotion requirements in 2015, to allow points toward promotion for combat zone deployments, and implements some mandatory education requirements. And soldiers who are not up to the Armys physical fitness standards now may not be considered promotable. Promotions Within LowerPay Grades Th e basic requirements for the automatic promotions vary slightly across the different branches. In the Army and Air Force, promotion to E-2 status requiressix months of active duty and approval by a commander are needed in the Navy its, nine months of active duty and commander approval. In the Marine Corps, new enlisted members are promoted to E-2 after six months of active duty, and in the Coast Guard, anyone otherwise eligiblewho has completed boot camp is E-2 eligible. For promotion to E-3, the Army requires 12 months of active duty service, four months as an E-2 and a commanders recommendation. The Air Force requires 10 months as an E-2 and a commanders approval, the Navy requires nine months as an E-2,demonstrated military and professional qualifications, and commanders approval. To achieve E-3 in the Marine Corps nine months of active duty are required, as well as eight months as an E-2. And the Coast Guard requires six months as an E-2,demonstration of military andprofessional qualifications, and a commanders approval in order to be promoted to E-3. The next step up is E-4, and this is the last level of pay grade promotion thats considered virtually automatic based on time served. In the Army, 24 months active duty, sixmonths as an E-3, and a commanders recommendation are required in the Air Force,36 months active duty, with 20 months as an E-3, or 28 months as an E-3, whichever comes first, are acceptable. The Marine Corps requires24 months active duty, and12 months as an E-3 for an E-4 promotion. The Navy and Coast Guard vary from the other branches when it comes to E-4 promotions. Both are based on vacancies within the members given career field, with an average of about 36 months of active duty. Promotions to E-5 Pay Grades As the Navy and Coast Guard do at pay grade E-4, the other branches become mora selective at the E-5 level. Promotions to the grades of E-5and above are competitive in the Army, Air Force and Marine Corps, since there are alwa ysmore people eligible for promotion then there are available positions (Congress sets the number of enlisted personnel who can serve in each grade). Promotion rates change each year, based upon several factors (including reenlistment rates) which determine how many slots in each rank will be available. The services each have their own methods to for selecting candidates for promotion,based on points for specific achievements, to promotion boards, to combinations of both. Air Force Promotion Exceptions With the exception of the Air Force, which gives the same promotion percentages within each rank to each Air Force job, promotions (in the other branches) can depend greatly upon the current manning-level of your specific job. For example, if youre an E-5 in a Navy rating (job) that is overmanned in E-6, you may be unable to get promoted, no matter how well you do on the tests or other promotion factors. On the other hand, if youre in a rating that is undermanned in your next ran k, the opposite may be true. In the Air Force, its a different story. The Air Force gives the same promotion percentages to all their jobs (exception, some extremely critical jobs get an extra five percent promotion advantage). In other words, if the Air Force decides that their overall promotion rate to E-5 is going to be 25 percent, then 25 percent of the eligible E-4s in each Air Force Specialty will be promoted. This system has a major disadvantage, however- it can easily result in one job being overmanned in personnel of a certain rank, and other jobs (or the same job) being undermanned in certain ranks. The Air Force handles this by identifying those in overmanned ranks/jobs and asking them to re-train. If they dont get enough volunteers, the Air Force will mandatorily re-train enough folks to balance out the rank structure within their jobs. Other Parts in This Series What the Military Recruiter Never Told YouChoosing a Military ServiceMeeting the RecruiterThe Enlistment Process and Job SelectionEnlistment Contractsand Enlistment IncentivesMilitary PayHousing,Housing Allowance, and BarracksChow Hallsand Food AllowanceEducation ProgramsLeave (Vacation) and Job TrainingAssignmentsMilitary Medical CareCommissaries and ExchangesMorale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) Activities
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
7 words you need to delete from your cover letter
7 words you need to delete from your cover letter7 words you need to delete from your cover letterTedious, yet mandatory writing a cover letter to pitch your qualifications and your partality in only a few paragraphs is usually the most difficult part of applying for a job.The worst part as a general rule of thumb, a cover letter can make or break your likelihood to get called in for an interview.Cover letters give you a way to make a first impression and to directly address the key requirements of the position, helping to get you past the initial begehung and encouraging the HR officer to read a little deeper, explains business psychologist and executive career coach Kate Sullivan. The best cover letters present you as a unique person with valuable skills, telling a story about your background and experience that lets the recruiter immediately envision you fitting into the company culture. It should always be customized to the position and its requirements and should hook your reade r in like a great novel.But hey, no pressure.A couple of starter pieces of advice are important. The one firm rule for a cover letter is to keep it short No more than two or three short paragraphs. And dont revisit every single big job youve had, because they can see that on your resume. The cover letter exists purely to distill your achievement and put then in a new light.As a launching pad of creativity to get you inspired, take the advice of career experts and coaches who shed light on the type of words you should probably CTRL+F and Delete out of your cover letter ASAP.Never say never literallyWhile a wildly different endeavour, consider the brde time you went on a bad first date. Was the person negative? Or difficult to get to know? Since your cover letter is the first introduction into who you are and what you offer, using an absolute word like never isnt recommended by career coach Cheryl Palmer.She explains that some entry-level applicants or those who have recently switche d direction may be tempted to over-explain their lack of experience. Instead, she says to make some lemonade out of those lemons.Remember, if you are a new graduate or someone transitioning into a new field, it is understandable that you dont have experience in that area yet, but it is not to your advantage to draw undue attention to this fact, she notes. Instead you can talk about internships you may have had or experience that may not be directly in the field but is still relevant.Always avoid alwaysAnother absolute word, that while positive, can be misleading in your cover letter according to Palmer is always.Why? Theres little to zero chance that youll always be the best at everything you do, so why set that expectation from the get-go?The trap with this word is that it can lead the job hunter to overgeneralize and sound over the top. Even if you always do an excellent job with your work, because the person reading it doesnt know you, that persons first assumption could be that you are exaggerating, Palmer says.Instead, she says to replace the always statement with a few examples that demonstrate while you would be the ideal hire. These should include accomplishments youve had in other jobs, including measurable proof that you can speak more to when youre called in for a face-to-fact chat. This will prove your credibility, so then they can actually see how always on top of your game you actually are.To whom it may concern is no oneSullivan notes that to whom it may concern is an outdated way to approach job applications, especially when you have the Internet at your next click. Because you can search for the names of whoever might be your manager or the director of HR at the company youre trying to land a gig at, addressing them anonymously may appear lazy.To whom it may concern is impersonal, outdated, and shows that you didnt do your research. When opening your cover letter, address it directly to the hiring manager, as Dear Mr./Ms. X, Sullivan says. If you dont have contact information for a manager and cant find the right person to address your letter to, simply ignore the opening salutation and launch straight into your letter.Even though its easy to say even though dontMuch like the compliment sandwiches that your mama taught you to practice when arguing with your roommate in college (and ahem, later, your spouse), setting up a sentence with even though in your cover letter can send a Debbie Downer message to your potential employer. I have seen cover letters where job seekers say something like this, Even though I have not worked with XYZ software before. This type of statement automatically points the readers attention to a deficit, Palmer explains. This is where placing the emphasis on what you have done, instead of what you havent, could outshine any doubts your could-be boss might have on your abilities. A better alternative would be to talk about software that you have used that serves the saatkorn purpose and/or is very similar to the software that the company is asking that job seekers have experience in, Palmer notes.Really, really dont say reallyEver have someone really, really like you, but you dont quite really, really like them? It can be a turn-off, and the same goes for applying for a gig. Sullivan notes that using really may make you come across as over-eager or like youre trying too hard. It also usually doesnt add anything to a sentence saying Im really good at Photoshop isnt more effective than saying I have more than five years of experience using Photoshop daily. Be specific instead of using generic adjectives like very and really. Itll make sure you sound as suited for the position as you are, Sullivan suggests.Forget how you feelTrue statement you probably do feel like youve stumbled upon the most amazing, perfect job that you could ever, ever apply for. Also a true statement your employer doesnt need to know that, quite yet. In fact, having feel in your cover letter can make you s eem less mature, secure or qualified for the opportunity. Instead of writing feel-good vibes, Sullivan suggests crafting your cover letter in a way that makes the person on the other end reading it feel like youre the surefire hire.Your job is to convince the recruiter that you are perfectly suited to contribute to the organization. State your qualifications as fact, and do the same with your assertion that youll make a good plus-rechnen to the company, Sullivan says. Project confidence through your assertions, rather than hedging your bets by saying you feel that way, which makes it into an opinion and opinions can easily be disregarded.She also suggests that while youre at it, axe believe and think from your cover letter, too, for the same reasons they can make you sound uncertain about your abilities.Honestly, honestly is a big mistakeWhen youre hired for a new gig, your first task is usually attending some sort of training where you learn about the ethics the company abides by. Even if youre not saving lives or fighting fire, being honorable and trustworthy is considered a given in every workplace. So when you say honestly it might make you come across as insincere.The last thing you want is to have a recruiter questioning whether youre telling the truth about anything on your resume or in your background. Even in an innocuous sentence like Honestly, I love accounting and cant wait to put my skills to use for your company, its not appropriate, Sullivan says. In this case, the word adds nothing to your statement- no nuance or additional information- and could backfire by sounding like youre trying too hard to assure the recruiter of your feelings. Just delete it.
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Daycare Termination Letter
Daycare Termination LetterDaycare Termination LetterThe people who watch over your kids when youre not there care almost as much about them as you do. When you need to terminate their services, you should mail a daycare termination letter to the facility. Daycare termination letters inform the facility that you no longer require their services and that your children will no longer be going there. Many facilities have restrictions regarding how you can terminate your services and what you must do. Most of those centers require some type of formal daycare termination letter.Why Send a Daycare Termination Letter? Its important that you send a daycare termination letter before the center charges you for an extra day, week, or month. If you do not get the necessary information to the center prior to the start of the next billing cycle, workers may charge you extra. You also risk facing additional fees for not sending in a daycare termination letter. Use the daycare termination letter as a way to explain your reasons for leaving the center and to end things on a positive note. You never know when your next center may contact that facility for information later.Following the Right Daycare Termination Letter FormatBefore you write a daycare termination letter, you need to check out some samples and get an idea for the format to follow. Like most letters, the daycare termination letter should start with your anthroponym and contact information and the name and contact information of the daycare center at the top. Give an exact reason for taking your kids out of the center in the opening paragraph and include the last date your kids will attend. Other information you may want to put in your daycare termination letter includeyour phone number and/or email addressa thank you to workers for caring for your kidsthe names of your childrenthe ages of your childrenany special details regarding your kids last dayInform Your Center with a Daycare Termination Letter You may need to write a daycare termination letter because you will move to a new city or state, your kids will enter school soon, you need to switch to a closer center, or a loved one will now care for them. This letter acts as a thank you for the hard work employees of the center did. Look over our daycare termination letter sample for an example of what you should write. Related Articles Details for a Salary Requirement LetterDoctor Recommendation LetterDont Ask Your Employer These Questions In An Interview
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Lies Youve Been Told About Entry Level Resume Objective
Lies Youve Been Told About Entry Level Resume Objective You might tweak your preferred position to coincide with the role the business is hiring for to demonstrate that you want to have that specific job. In addition, you can find out more about IT careers on Monster. If you dont have experience, then attempt to obtain an internship once possible. Figure out how to fill up your resume to assist you land the job. Youre going to be trained in different operations and processes of the bank and are anticipated to efficiently assist customers with their various transactions. When youre presenting your management resume objectives in your CV, be certain you clearly state the position youre seeking and the abilities and professional achievements which make you appropriate for that specific position. Entry Level Accounting Resume It is very important to highlight your qualifications and techniques in your resume. Objective is the most important aspect to entice an employer. With a well written resume, you ought to be invited to interview more frequently than you believe. Hence, you should be in a position to present your aims clearly and carefully in your CV. As soon as its essential for your resume to incorporate a very clear career goal, you dont need to convey it through an Objective section. It is possible to also use the objective to reveal the way your previous experience relates to engineering, even if it feels to be an unrelated field. You should incorporate the information which can highlight your interest in that specific job. If you dont have any work experience, include life experiences that may be relevant to the industry youre targeting. In the era of emotional intelligence only experience doesnt matter, factors like your capacity to cope with people also matters. The Ultimate Entry Level Resume Objective Trick An entry-level construction resume objective is written by someone whos new in the sphere of construction business and is sea rching for a job at the entry-level. Mill objective not bother applying at all degrees of school leaver with the particular area. A highly effective objective statement can greatly improve the quality of an entry level resume. It can be beneficial to you if youre applying for any position that demands a resume focusing on your abilities and distinctive job certain qualities. At present, its the ideal field to select if youre considering a career change. Entry-level objectives can be particularly hard to write as you likely dont have loads of work experience, but you do want to solidify how you know the sort of career youre searching for. Administrator seeking role you are searching for career change. Actually the employers expect you to modify the layout based on what things they require for the job. Even in case youve never held an official job, its still true that you have life experience thats applicable to the work search. In addition, its simple to find experience fast for nearly every job. Thus, you will need experience to find an entry-level job, but negativ the job, you cant obtain experience. You may always pick from the wide selection of entry level Resume Samples we need to offer you. Choice of entry level resume templates that can help you to create a skilled and persuasive resume. All you have to do is click in the purchase form on our site, and spend a couple of minutes completing some simple info. Just scroll down until you discover a section named Resumes or CVs, based on where you are. Objective goal ought to be to capture the interest of prospective examples so that theyll be more prone to read the remainder of your resume. With a summary statement, youre still able to emphasize your abilities and accomplishments, but could also highlight your individual brand. Avoid cliches to ensure your objective statement sounds professional. It has to be clear and concise.
Monday, December 2, 2019
5 Diverse Women You Need For Your Next Panel
5 Diverse Women You Need For Your Next Panel Its no surprise that tech panels, even if theyre not filled with men, are still overwhelmingly white. This isnt to say that mens or white womens ideas and input arent incredibly valuable, rather, its a critique of the lack of diversity of experience that continues to be presented across the nations biggest conferences. Our different identities, both visible and invisible, mean we bring a wide variety of qualities to our jobs, private lives and communities. Panels should reflect that. So no more excuses. Heres a list of diverse women who should be on your next tech panel.Angelica Ross-Based in Los Angeles, CA - Shes the founder of Trans Tech Social Enterprises Inc., a firm that empowers trans people with the resources and community they need to find employment. When shes not advocating for LGBTQ people, you can find her boosting trans visibility while acting in the HerStory Web Series and the upcoming TV show Claws. Angelicas TwitterCandice M Morgan - Based in San Francisco, CA - Candace is an expert on diversity and inclusion and uses her talents to optimize products and create inclusive environments as the Head of Diversity and Inclusion Pinterest. With nearly a decade of experience, shes been honing her skills to make way for and to support the diverse talent the tech industry needs. Candices Twitter Ellen K Pao - Based in San Francisco, CA - Ellen is currently the Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer at the Kapor Center, but you probably know her from her previous stints at giant tech companies. Also a founding member of Project Include, her LinkedIn profile description simply says making a difference. Check out her writing for her thoughtful takes on the state of diversity and inclusion in tech. Ellens Twitter Gretel Perera-Based in Silicon Valley -Gretel Perera handles Global PR, which connects travellers with vacation rentals. Her commitment to supporting fellow Latinas led her to found Latinas in Tech with R oco Medina in 2014. Since launching, theyve provided a community of nearly 1000 women from 12 countries with the resources to succeed in the tech industry. Gretels Twitter Y-Vonne Hutchinson-Based in Oakland, CA - She refers to herself as a Diversity Evangelist, and we couldnt agree more. From being a founder of ReadySet, a consulting firm that helps tech companies attract and retain diverse talent to being a founding team member of Project Include, a non-profit pushing for diverse and inclusive initiatives at tech companies, diversity and inclusion is in her blood. Y-Vonnes TwitterDid we miss someone? Let us know who youd like to see on the next tech panel on Twitter powertofly or Email hipowertofly.com
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